بیانیه زنجیره فجرآفرینان ؛ جبهه وبلاگی غدیر
"براى اینکه جمهورى اسلامى را شکست بدهند! بودجه تصویب میکنند که از طریق اینترنت، انقلاب ایران را از بین ببرند؛ جمهورى اسلامى را سرنگون کنند! ببینید چقدر این دشمن، دشمن درماندهاى است" (رهبر معظم انقلاب در دیدار مردم مازندران در سالگرد حماسه 6 بهمن -( 06/11/1388)با سلام و هزاران صلوات نثار ارواح طیبه شهدا و امام شهدا معمار برحق انقلاب اسلامی وبا تبریک و شاد باش ایام دهه پر فروغ و حماسی فجرانقلاب اسلامی ایران.
با گذشت سه دهه از پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی که با مجاهده و مبارزه فرزندان مومن برای بدست آوردن حقوق معنوی، رواج ارزشهای بلندالهی، انسانی؛ زمینه سازی عدالتگستری، و کفر و ستم ستیزی، رواج ایمان ودست یابی به ازادی وخدا باوری در دوران سخت ستم شاهی و حکومت سلاطین ظلم و جور در 22 بهمن سال 57 اتفاق افتاد، با یک نگاه و کنکاش عمیق می توان دریافت که بزرگترین عامل رسیدن به این پیروزی، ولایت پذیری مردم مومن و خدا جو و نقش رهبری و هدایت و سکانداری مقام ولایت امام خمینی قدس سره بوده است.
پس از امام راحل با رهبری و بصیرت و هدایت مقام عظمی ولایت دو دهه این کشتی سوار بر امواج طغیانگر توانسته است مسیر سخت و دشوار را به سلامت طی کند و دشمنان را در طی این مدت خوار و ذلیل و ناتوان نماید.
سی سال ازپس از انقلاب با شکوه اسلامی ایران و کوهی از دست آوردهای بزرگ که ثمره رهبریت امام خمینی قدس سره و فداکاریهای شهدا و علمداری مقام معظم رهبری که خود دو دهه متوالی با علم و درایت و بصیرت توانست صورت شکیل انقلاب اسلامی و نظام مقدس جمهوری اسلامی را بر همگان تجلی بخشد و چشمان آزادگان ومظلومین را به سوی خود معطوف نماید، می گذرد و این خود بزرگترین افتخاری است که بر پیشانی نظام ما نقش بسته است.
بارها و بارها دشمنان ما از این عزت وحشت کردند و دست به کار شدند تا چهره مخدوشی از این انقلاب را به جهانیان نشان دهند اما هر بار به شکست و خفت مبتلا شدند. در این میان بودند افرادی که تحت تاثیر این فریب و نیرنگ ها و وعده های پوچ قرار گرفتند و از مسیر اصلی و درست دور گشتند و فتنه انگیزی دشمنان جز خواری و ذلت و از بین رفتن عزت آنها در بین مردم، چیزی در پی نداشت.
اکنون که دشمنان کوردل زبون نظام در فضای سایبری می کوشند تا آرامش داخل کشور را با توطئههایشان بر هم بزنند ما سربازان ولایت حاضر در عرصه سایبری اعلام میکنیم که با تمام وجود ایستاده ایم تا این توطئه را نیز چون گذشته پاسخ قاطع و در خور نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران بدهیم و به یاری و مدد الهی و همت عزیزان دست به قلم و ولایتمدار عرصه را بر دشمنان تنگ کنیم.
گر چه تشخیص دشمن از دوست در این فضا دشوار تر از فضای حقیقی است لذا بر آن شدیم تابه کمک و همت عزیزان جهادگر و تلاشگر در این میدان مبارزه جانانه ای صورت دهیم ، به طوری که دشمنان با دیدن این وحدت و تعامل و انسجام به وحشت و دریوزه گی افتاده اند.
دشمنان اکنون دست به هر کاری می زنند تا چهره منفورشان را در پیشگاه جهانیان مظلوم جلوه دهند و همواره در پر کردن خلع مستند و حقیقت نگاری که هرگز نداشتند به شایعه و دروغ پراکنی و مقدس نمایی بپردازند که این خود باعث گردید تا چهره زشت و شیطانی دشمن بار دیگر اشکار تر گردد . پرداخت هزینه های کلان برای مخدوش کردن چهره و صورت انقلاب در زمینه سایبری خود یک گواه دیگر در زبونی ایشان است.
به فرموده رهبر معظم انقلاب که در دیدار مردم مازندران در سالگرد حماسه 6 بهمن (06/11/1388) فرمودند:
"اینجور است که دشمنان بینالمللى ما این جنجالها را راه مىاندازند، براى اینکه جمهورى اسلامى را وادار کنند به باجدهى؛ مثل خیلى از دولتهائى که بمجردى که یک خطرى احساس میکنند، میروند در مقابل ارباب بزرگتر، حاضر میشوند باج بدهند؛ باج پولى بدهند، باج سیاسى بدهند. امام باج نداد - این را همه بدانند - ما هم به هیچ کس از طرف ملت ایران و از طرف خودمان باج نخواهیم داد."
ما امروز با قاطعیت اعلام می کنیم که هر گز تن به ذلت نخواهیم داد چنانکه پداران و مادران ما بر سر عهد و پیمان خویش ماندند و جان دادند و هر گز تن به ذلت نداند و نهایتا پیروز میدان شدند.آری علمی را که سید الشهدا در کربلا برای ما به جای گذاشت اکنون بر دوش می گیریم و بر فرمان مقتدایمام جان را ودیعه می گذاریم. البته دشمن با ضرب شست جانانه ای که از سوی ملت و دولت سختکوش و ولایتمدار دیده است که خود شکستی غیر قابل جبران است و باید به دشمنان حق داد که اینگونه از پیشرفتهای علمی و فرهنگی و اجتماعی اقتصادی ما عصبانی باشند .
با نگاهی به فرمایشات رهبر عالیقدر و معزز انقلاب میتوان به حساسیت و اهمیت موضوع پی بردو احسا س مسئولیت در این باره را در یافت.چنانچه ایشان فرموده اند:
"آنچه که براى ما لازم است، این است که آحاد مردم، مسئولین، غیر مسئولین،بخصوص جوانها، بخصوص کسانى که سخن و حرفشان تأثیر دارد، احساس مسئولیت حضور در صحنه را از دست ندهند. هیچ کس نگوید من تکلیفى ندارم، من مسئولیتى ندارم؛ همه مسئولند."
(رهبر معظم انقلاب در دیدار مردم مازندران در سالگرد حماسه 6 بهمن- (06/11/1388)
جبهه وبلاگی غدیر و همه حامیان و اعضاء این جبهه با گرامیداشت یوم الله 22 بهمن اعلام می دارد که برای پیمان مجدد با ولایت و رهبری، وتجدید عهد با شهیدان و امام شهیدان در صحنه حاضر خواهد بود و این روز بزرگ را باردیگر نقطعه عطفی برای نابودی فتنه جویان در عرصه سیاسی ,اجتماعی و فرهنگی کشور دانسته وهمراه با همه مردم مسلمان ایران و ایرانیان ازاده همچنان در صحنه حاضر خواهد بود. چرا که ایمان ما بر این استوار است که همواره اعتقاد به ولایت مطلقه فقیه, ایمان به در راس بودن و بزرگداشت ارزشهای انقلاب اسلامی رمز پایداری و ماندگاری انقلاب عزیز و شکوهمند اسلامی می باشد.
بی شک دشمنان بار دیگر درس بزرگی در این روز از ملت قهرمان ایران خواهند گرفت و مهر باطل شد دیگری بر تارک فتنه انگیزان و معاندان خواهد خورد .ان شا ءالله تعالی
والسلامعلیکم و رحمها...
قرار ما در روز 22 بهمن در راهپیمایی عظیم مردمی در سراسر کشور؛و به روز رسانی وبلاگها با انتشار عکس و اسلاید و خاطرات زیبا و غرور آفرین از روز 22 بهمن
Friend bloggers this statement in a published directory can sa

Islamic Republic"s failure to give! Budget which is approved by the
Internet, eliminate the Iranian revolution; to overthrow the Islamic
Republic! See how this enemy, the enemy is Drmandhay" (Sayyed Nasrallah
meeting anniversary of the epic in Mazandaran Persian date 6 Bahman -
Hello and thousands of martyrs and صلوات Nsar
Ghosts Tayebeh architect rightful Imam of the Islamic Revolution
Martyrs cholera Congratulations and Happy Days Be decade luminescent
Fjranqlab Islamic Hamas.
Over three decades of the Islamic
Revolution and the struggle Mjahdh faithful children obtain
intellectual property rights, common values Blndalhy, human; Daltgstry
building field, and the infidels and unjust contention, common faith
belief Vkhda Vdst finding freedom oppression during hard Shahi and the
rule of kings in the Persian date 22 Bahman kind of oppression and 57
years occurred, with a deep look at and can deliberate receive the
biggest factor in achieving this victory, the province itself, and
God"s faithful people, atmosphere and guidance and leadership of Imam
Khomeini steersman province officials Qods is pure.
Imam Khomeini
with the vision and leadership guided two decades of official Zmy
province ship has been able to ride waves Tghyangr difficult path to
health and enemies at will during this period can humiliate and oppress
and disabled.
Azps thirty years of glorious Islamic Revolution
and the great achievements of the mountain Samareh Quds Rhbryt Imam and
sacrifice of martyrs and Dog pure supreme leader, who two consecutive
decades with the knowledge and insight and tact could be beautiful and
holy Islamic Revolutionary Republic Manifestation of the Islamic
everyone gives and eyes toward the Azadegan Vmzlvmyn can focus, and
this goes full frontal on the honorary role of our system is closed.
Again and again the dignity of our enemies to fear and were to work to
face this revolution undermined the show to the world, but each failure
and degradation were affected. Among these were those affected by this
deception and trickery and promises were absurd and far from mainstream
and just Gshtnd and seditious enemies except insult and hardship and
loss of dignity among the people, what followed was not.
Now that
the enemies Kvrdl despicable system of cyber space trying to calm the
country is built on our Tvtyhhayshan soldiers currently in the field of
cyber province announced that all there standing do we have to this
conspiracy of the past as decisive and appropriate response Republic
Islamic Iran and to give help and divine help and efforts of the pen
and loved Vlaytmdar would narrow the field on the enemies.
Although the diagnosis of an enemy like the real space of the space is
more difficult, so its efforts to help and we loved pan and Talashgaran
jihadist struggle in this field if we or rattling, so that enemies
seeing the unity and cohesion, interaction and fear and have been
Dryvz·h Gy.
Enemies of
anything to work now turns to face Mnfvrshan in effect before the
worlds oppressed they always fill the disarmament documentary
journalism and truth to the rumors and lies were never broadcast and
sanctimony that their pay was to face the ugly and evil the enemy is
more evident once again. Pay for large faces and undermined by the
revolution in its Cyber humble him a certificate is another.
Sayyed Nasrallah stated that a meeting of Mazandaran anniversary of the epic Persian date 6 Bahman (06/11/1388) Updated:
"About it that our international enemies controversy reminiscent of the
way, in order to force the Islamic Republic to Bajdhy; States that,
like many feel upon a risk, going against the greater master, appearing
to give tax; tax money to give, give political blackmail. Imam did not
blackmail - for all know this - we also no one from Iran and from our
own nation will not blackmail. "
We boldly announced today that
Gaz we ton as a hardship will not Pdaran our mothers over stayed his
promise and covenant and died Flour tons each heart and ultimately did
not win in field. Yes Scientific Alshhda in the SM Karbala for us to
overlay the shoulders now lies and command a deposit John Mqtdaymam
treat. I beat the enemy with lively thumb that hard work by the people
and government and that their defeat had Vlaytmdar irrecoverable and
must be right that the enemies of these scientific advances and our
economic social and cultural are angry.
Wish to look respectable
leader and revolutionary Alyqdr sensitivity and importance of the topic
can follow Brdv Q Ahsa responsibility in this was about. If he has
"What is necessary
for us, is that sections of people, authorities, other authorities,
especially young people, especially those who speak and has the effect
of word, feel responsible presence on the scene refused to lose. Ngvyd
to any assignment I do not, my responsibility do not have all Msyvlnd. "
(Sayyed Nasrallah meeting the anniversary of Mazandaran epic Persian date 6 Bahman - (06/11/1388)
Just front and all sponsors and members of Ghadir the front with the
Persian date 22 Bahman celebrations یوم God announces that the contract
with the province and this leadership, Vtjdyd covenant with Martyrs
Martyrs Imam will be present in the scene and this great day again for
turning Nqth destruction seekers in the field of political intrigue,
social, and cultural knowledge Vhmrah with all Muslim people of Iran
and liberal Iranians still be present in the scene. Because we believe
this is based on the belief that the province always divorced Faqih,
the belief in being a leader and celebrate your values stability and
survival of the Islamic Revolution and the glorious Islamic Revolution
is dear.
Undoubtedly a big lesson to enemies on the day of the
nation and champion of the Persian month Mehr will was invalid on other
religious and rancorous provocation to eat. شا it Allh excellence
Valslamlykm and Rhmha ...
are Day 22 Bahman راهپیمایی great people across the country, and update
blogs with photos and slide release and the beautiful memories and
pride of the day Afarin Persian date 22 Bahman

Statements chain Fjrafrynan; Front Just Ghadir
"Because theIslamic Republic"s failure to give! Budget which is approved by the
Internet, eliminate the Iranian revolution; to overthrow the Islamic
Republic! See how this enemy, the enemy is Drmandhay" (Sayyed Nasrallah
meeting anniversary of the epic in Mazandaran Persian date 6 Bahman -
Hello and thousands of martyrs and صلوات Nsar
Ghosts Tayebeh architect rightful Imam of the Islamic Revolution
Martyrs cholera Congratulations and Happy Days Be decade luminescent
Fjranqlab Islamic Hamas.
Over three decades of the Islamic
Revolution and the struggle Mjahdh faithful children obtain
intellectual property rights, common values Blndalhy, human; Daltgstry
building field, and the infidels and unjust contention, common faith
belief Vkhda Vdst finding freedom oppression during hard Shahi and the
rule of kings in the Persian date 22 Bahman kind of oppression and 57
years occurred, with a deep look at and can deliberate receive the
biggest factor in achieving this victory, the province itself, and
God"s faithful people, atmosphere and guidance and leadership of Imam
Khomeini steersman province officials Qods is pure.
Imam Khomeini
with the vision and leadership guided two decades of official Zmy
province ship has been able to ride waves Tghyangr difficult path to
health and enemies at will during this period can humiliate and oppress
and disabled.
Azps thirty years of glorious Islamic Revolution
and the great achievements of the mountain Samareh Quds Rhbryt Imam and
sacrifice of martyrs and Dog pure supreme leader, who two consecutive
decades with the knowledge and insight and tact could be beautiful and
holy Islamic Revolutionary Republic Manifestation of the Islamic
everyone gives and eyes toward the Azadegan Vmzlvmyn can focus, and
this goes full frontal on the honorary role of our system is closed.
Again and again the dignity of our enemies to fear and were to work to
face this revolution undermined the show to the world, but each failure
and degradation were affected. Among these were those affected by this
deception and trickery and promises were absurd and far from mainstream
and just Gshtnd and seditious enemies except insult and hardship and
loss of dignity among the people, what followed was not.
Now that
the enemies Kvrdl despicable system of cyber space trying to calm the
country is built on our Tvtyhhayshan soldiers currently in the field of
cyber province announced that all there standing do we have to this
conspiracy of the past as decisive and appropriate response Republic
Islamic Iran and to give help and divine help and efforts of the pen
and loved Vlaytmdar would narrow the field on the enemies.
Although the diagnosis of an enemy like the real space of the space is
more difficult, so its efforts to help and we loved pan and Talashgaran
jihadist struggle in this field if we or rattling, so that enemies
seeing the unity and cohesion, interaction and fear and have been
Dryvz·h Gy.
Enemies of
anything to work now turns to face Mnfvrshan in effect before the
worlds oppressed they always fill the disarmament documentary
journalism and truth to the rumors and lies were never broadcast and
sanctimony that their pay was to face the ugly and evil the enemy is
more evident once again. Pay for large faces and undermined by the
revolution in its Cyber humble him a certificate is another.
Sayyed Nasrallah stated that a meeting of Mazandaran anniversary of the epic Persian date 6 Bahman (06/11/1388) Updated:
"About it that our international enemies controversy reminiscent of the
way, in order to force the Islamic Republic to Bajdhy; States that,
like many feel upon a risk, going against the greater master, appearing
to give tax; tax money to give, give political blackmail. Imam did not
blackmail - for all know this - we also no one from Iran and from our
own nation will not blackmail. "
We boldly announced today that
Gaz we ton as a hardship will not Pdaran our mothers over stayed his
promise and covenant and died Flour tons each heart and ultimately did
not win in field. Yes Scientific Alshhda in the SM Karbala for us to
overlay the shoulders now lies and command a deposit John Mqtdaymam
treat. I beat the enemy with lively thumb that hard work by the people
and government and that their defeat had Vlaytmdar irrecoverable and
must be right that the enemies of these scientific advances and our
economic social and cultural are angry.
Wish to look respectable
leader and revolutionary Alyqdr sensitivity and importance of the topic
can follow Brdv Q Ahsa responsibility in this was about. If he has
"What is necessary
for us, is that sections of people, authorities, other authorities,
especially young people, especially those who speak and has the effect
of word, feel responsible presence on the scene refused to lose. Ngvyd
to any assignment I do not, my responsibility do not have all Msyvlnd. "
(Sayyed Nasrallah meeting the anniversary of Mazandaran epic Persian date 6 Bahman - (06/11/1388)
Just front and all sponsors and members of Ghadir the front with the
Persian date 22 Bahman celebrations یوم God announces that the contract
with the province and this leadership, Vtjdyd covenant with Martyrs
Martyrs Imam will be present in the scene and this great day again for
turning Nqth destruction seekers in the field of political intrigue,
social, and cultural knowledge Vhmrah with all Muslim people of Iran
and liberal Iranians still be present in the scene. Because we believe
this is based on the belief that the province always divorced Faqih,
the belief in being a leader and celebrate your values stability and
survival of the Islamic Revolution and the glorious Islamic Revolution
is dear.
Undoubtedly a big lesson to enemies on the day of the
nation and champion of the Persian month Mehr will was invalid on other
religious and rancorous provocation to eat. شا it Allh excellence
Valslamlykm and Rhmha ...
are Day 22 Bahman راهپیمایی great people across the country, and update
blogs with photos and slide release and the beautiful memories and
pride of the day Afarin Persian date 22 Bahman
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